Sarah Peterson
K-4th Grade Physical Education & Receptionist

Sarah holds multiple fitness certifications including ACE Group Fitness Instructor, ACE Youth Fitness Specialist, STRONG Nation by Zumba Instructor, and CIRCL Mobility Instructor. She is currently pursuing advanced training, including studies in trauma sensitive training, disordered eating, all-body inclusion, and soul care.

Sarah’s two youngest children attend ICA, and she loves that the students can experience a fully integrated education. God is beyond chapel. He is in the everyday; in the math, science, English, history. Sarah loves that this is a school that acknowledges and celebrates the Creator of all things.
Sarah has a large family, so a lot of time is spent together. They can usually be found singing and dancing in the kitchen or playing board games together. Sarah also has a small obsession with yarn. She loves knitting or crocheting something fun or cozy for her family and friends. Her current focus is on crazy colorful socks.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.”
Mark 12:30